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Episode 11: Parenting

  I would like to start off by saying that my teacher takes his wife on a date I think every other weekend and he always tells us what he’s planning, and it is the most precious thing. Anyway, this week's topic is parenting, and the first thing we talked about was the parents' response to a child's mistaken approach. We started talking about this by addressing a child's needs. Children need contact or a sense of belonging. They seek attention. The parent should acknowledge that the child needs contact and offer it freely. Pretty simple right? Well, when the child is young, it is pretty simple. When the child gets older it can get more complicated. Stats show that girls who don’t have a proper father figure, are much more likely to have sex about two years earlier because they seek that contact and don’t know how else to get it. Another thing that children need (because they are human) is power. We like to have control of our environment. I used to work at a daycare an

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