Episode 4: Boudaries

 Yo! What's up everyone? Hope you're all doing well. It is SO cold here. We are going to be in the negatives this week and I am not ready for it. Anyways, this week I learned about boundaries within the family. My professor used this almost key to describe them. First, we have rigid boundaries which he described with just a straight line, almost used as a wall. Families with these boundaries don't let anyone in. They always have their guard up usually due to past experiences. Second, we have poor or diffuse boundaries. The line to represent this is a dotted line. Families with these kinds of boundaries are almost too loose. They don't really set boundaries, and this can lead to many problems in the family. The last one is clear boundaries. These boundaries are also described as the "white picket fence" boundaries. Families with these boundaries have very clear set boundaries in their relationships. Now, just because they have healthy boundaries does not mean that they never get crossed. I think boundaries are very important not only with family, but also with friends, partners, and even at work. People also seem to think that they don't need boundaries because they're family, which can jeopardize a lot of relationships. It's ok to say "no" to family. I had to talk to a friend about this earlier this week and it broke my heart. They felt taken advantage of in their family which should never be ok. They felt trapped at home and couldn't wait to get out. This is the result of poor or diffuse boundaries. We need these boundaries to have a healthy family. What kind of boundaries do you have in your family?

Have a great week and thank you for reading my little updates!


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