Episode 3: Family Roles

 Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing great. I've had a great week and classes and life have kept me busy, but it's been so fun. I'm just going to jump right in today.

This week we were learning and focusing on the roles of the family. We each made a list of what roles we think that we had and then we shared them with the class. Some said they were the peacemaker, the one that stirred things up, the leader, the second mom, etc. My professor talked about some really amazing experiences he's had as a family and marriage counselor, and the importance of acknowledging those family roles. For me, I think that I am definitely a leader in my family. I am the first born of five and the first to do just about everything. While it can be very scary, it's also pretty exciting. Another role that I realized I played is a "stirrer of the pot" if you will. I like to mess with my brothers because I've realized it's how we showed our affection to each other. This often backfired for me though because my brothers would get mad, or I would be told off by my parents. What roles do you play and how do they affect your family relationships?

I know this week was a little short, but I hope you all have a great week!


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